Best Drone for Beginners - DJI Mavic Mini vs Parrot Anafi

July 01, 2021

Best Drone for Beginners - DJI Mavic Mini vs Parrot Anafi

Drones have become increasingly popular in the past few years, and today, almost anyone with a camera can capture stunning aerial footage. If you're looking for the perfect beginner drone, two of the most popular options are the DJI Mavic Mini and the Parrot Anafi. In this post, we'll compare these drones and help you make an informed decision.


The DJI Mavic Mini is a small, foldable drone that can fit into the palm of your hand. The Parrot Anafi is slightly larger, but it's still relatively easy to carry around. Both drones have a sleek design and lightweight frame, making them ideal for beginners.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini

Camera Quality

The DJI Mavic Mini boasts a 12-megapixel camera that can shoot 2.7K video at 30 frames per second, which is impressive for a drone of its size. However, the Parrot Anafi has a 21-megapixel camera, which can shoot 4K HDR video at 30 frames per second. Additionally, the Anafi has a 180-degree tilt gimbal that allows for unique camera angles.

Winner: Parrot Anafi

Battery Life

Both drones have similar battery life, with the DJI Mavic Mini lasting up to 30 minutes on a single charge and the Parrot Anafi lasting up to 25 minutes. However, the DJI Mavic Mini's battery is replaceable, while the Parrot Anafi's battery is not.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini

Flight Performance

Both drones have impressive flight performance, but there are some differences to note. The DJI Mavic Mini has a maximum range of 4km and can fly up to 29mph. The Parrot Anafi has a maximum range of 4.3 miles and can fly up to 34mph. The Anafi also has a better wind resistance rating, allowing you to fly it in gustier conditions.

Winner: Parrot Anafi


The DJI Mavic Mini is currently retailing at $399, making it more affordable than the Parrot Anafi, which is priced at $699.

Winner: DJI Mavic Mini


Both the DJI Mavic Mini and the Parrot Anafi are great drones for beginners. They both have unique features and capabilities that make them stand out. However, if you're looking for a drone with better camera quality and flight performance, the Parrot Anafi would be the better choice. On the other hand, if you're looking for an affordable drone that's easy to carry around and has a replaceable battery, the DJI Mavic Mini is the way to go.


  1. DJI Mavic Mini. (n.d). Retrieved from
  2. Parrot Anafi. (n.d). Retrieved from

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